Setting Python in Visual Studio Code

less than 1 minute read

1.Install Visual Studio Code

Download Visual Studio Code - Mac, Linux, Windows

2.ext install - python3

  • command + shift +P → type “ext install” → Extentions:Install
  • Seletet Python and Install
  • Restart VSCode!
  • Run Test code - command + shift + D

      # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
      print("Start, Python!")
      a= "Hello, Python!"

3.Run by Using Task Runner

  • command + shift + P → type “task run” → Select “Tasks:Configure Task Runner” → Select “Other
  • task.json is Created

    // task.json

          // See
          // for the documentation about the tasks.json format
          "args": ["${file}"],
          "options": {
              "env": {
          "problemMatchers": []
  • command+shift+B

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